• I’m currently looking into adorning this website with a bit of semantic bullshit information. Because that’s where the web’s heading isn’t it? Well, I’ve briefly looked into schema.org, which describes a reasonably simple set of types of information that can be directly embedded into the various HTML tags. So that’s a plus, but there’s something…

  • Tacit Programming in Racket

    (There’s also a second part) Just a quick technical note: tacit (aka point-free aka – hahaha – pointless) programming works just fine in Racket. Let’s take the usual example problem: we want to get the average of a list of numbers. The average is the sum of all the numbers divided by the length of…

  • The most latest “new year” type post of the year

    Seems like everyone else has already made their new-year-resolution blog post. But 2013 came as such a surprise to me that I didn’t have any resolutions handy. I have now, so here we go: Stop caring about effort: If there was only one thing I could complain about on this world, it would be effort-tracking.…

  • This doesn’t seem safe to me

    Recently, in a conversation about the Gentoo Linux distribution, I jokingly suggested to a colleague (and Gentoo user) that Gentoo sucks because they still only provide the very first version of gti and are missing out on all the new features (the car’s speed now depends on the terminal width). Turns out I was wrong,…

  • And Now for Something Completely Different

    The next Ludum Dare is very very soon. That means it’s time to think about games, again. First: the platform of choice: I’ve actually been pretty happy with what I chose last time – JavaScript and the usual 2D-Canvas stuff. It was fast to program in, performed well enough and worked on every platform. So,…

  • Art

    This: is really nice. It’s apparently also a book but more importantly it’s just one elegant line of BASIC: or a line of bash yes ‘c=(╱ ╲);printf ${c[RANDOM%2]}’ | bash Beautiful, isn’t it? On a somewhat related note, I now own the domain code-museum.org – but I now that I have it, I realized that…

  • What a Language!

    Common Lisp looks strange when you come from C, but it’s actually pretty easy to grok. Racket (and other Schemes) do iteration via tail-recursion, which seems strange, but is fairly simple. Macros are easier to work with than the C pre-processor. Only Go has channels and goroutines, but once you know what they do and…

  • The German Programming Apprenticeship – A Review

    After nearly two and a half years of going through a programming apprenticeship here in Germany I believe I’m somewhat qualified to talk about it. But before I can talk about my experiences, I have to explain what it actually is what I’m doing. The System In Germany, below the usual academic education stuff, there’s…

  • Hardly Any Python, Hardly Any Cry

    Hey! News from the time wasting department: This blog is now available under a new URL: http://r-wos.org/blog/. The old links should get a 301 redirect here, though. Hope that works for everybody. Don’t ask how the redirect is implemented – trust me, you don’t want to know. Also, the blog’s now generated by an ugly…

  • Joining Everything

    My apprenticeship is rapidly nearing its end, so over the last few months I joined pretty much every social network kind of thing I’ve come across. It’s not that I really expect anything to come out of just having a profile on whathaveyou.com, but you never know, right? Besides, it’s effort-less and free and all…