• Secret Alien Technology

    Recently some colleagues of mine started hacking some OpenGL stuff, which somehow motivated me to also dive into that again. Knowing that I won’t be able to keep me motivated writing a whole game, I thought I’ll tinker a bit with terrain generation – a fairly easy way to do something exciting. Now, my colleagues…

  • Time

    So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking. Racing around to come up behind you again. The sun is the same in a relative way but you’re older. Shorter of breath and one day closer to death. Pink Floyd Today I learned: A full compile of llvm and…

  • Welcome to the Machine

    I got myself a new machine recently, a Thinkpad R400. At first I only wanted to buy a new keyboard and some RAM for my old laptop, but then I saw that I could get a not-completely-obsolete Thinkpad off of ebay for less than 200 €. That’s where my brain came to the conclusion that…

  • By the Way

    Hi there! Long time no see! I got a bit side-tracked. Well, that’s an understatement. At first, I just wanted to re-haul the site’s design a bit. Then I thought, why not re-haul the back-end, too? I was thinking of a wiki-like system, but with pages consisting of independently editable (and lockable) blocks. Just doing…

  • There’s one thing wrong with Python

    Finally! I found something that is wrong with Python! With Python2, that is – Python3 saves itself from being wrong by being stupid. And it’s really wrong, it’s of “absolutely broken” wrongness. On a scale from 0 (right) to 12 (wrong) this would score a straight twenty-seven. It’s about scope in nested functions. Normally, scope…

  • Why?

    Today I learned: printf(1) is locale-dependent. Why, oh fucking why?

  • Modern Programming

    This is the code for a Mozilla Extension to get its version number out of its own configuration: This is one twitter session id: This is a part of the Wikipedia Page for Jabber: Because XMPP is not yet encoded as Efficient XML Interchange but as a single long XML document, binary data must be…

  • Channels in Newsqueak

    School can really be a drag, sometimes – especially when I could learn so much more at home. For instance via – you guessed it – playing with Newsqueak. So, today in our series of “nobody is interested, please stop” “Fun with Newsqueak”: Channels. The idea goes back to C.A.R. Hoare’s Communicating Sequential Processes or…

  • Adventures with Newsqueak, part 2

    (part 1 is here) I just ported a small testing script included in the source tree from rc (which is Plan9’s command interpreter) to bourne shell. And then I ran it, obviously. The first test to fail was a small snippet called “fio”: This is pretty straight-forward. It includes the fio.h header (probably “file input…

  • Adventures with Newsqueak

    I pushed Rob Pike’s Newsqueak interpreter to my github page. This might seem (and largely is) a senseless thing to do, as it is freely available on Rob’s (old) homepage. And unfortunately it looks a bit like me trying to take credit for his work, which I really do not intend to do – so…