Farbfilm vergessen
Process notes: Ihagee Exa; f5.6 unless I bumped it, 1/150s because the Exa doesn’t go any faster.
Ilford Delta 400, split-grade printed.
Need more practice with split-grade printing, absolutely zero intuition there. I mean the results are okayish but that was more down to the universe than down to me. Also I need about three more arms to do the juggling of multi-grade filters and dodging masks and timing and switching the enlarger on and off and not forgetting what I did previously. But maybe if I splash myself with even more developer solution, additional arms might grow eventually.
This is on Ilford multigrade RC paper which somehow feels a bit less like plastic and more like paper, in comparison to the other RC ones I had previously.
And on the plus side, the number of totally misjudged exposures is going down a bit. So that’s something.
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