• Never Mind

    This is a translation of some parts of the dartlang.org website into plain English. Please note that neither Marketing language nor English is my native tounge – so, this translation might contain some errors. However, I tried my best and I think that the main points are translated correctly. The Dart Language From quick prototypes…

  • No WordPress, No Cry

    I finally managed to find the time to hack an engine for this blog. It’s written in Python, and pretty simple: flat-file storage, no frills, around 1700 lines of code. (Most of which is some really, really bad open source Markdown implementation. Replacing this regexp monster with a proper compiler is the next big TODO…

  • Oh, Android

    There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult. C.A.R. Hoare Android is not a developer-friendly system. Starting…

  • Fractal Garden 2

    Fractal Garden 2

    Did I mention that Processing is fun? Here’s Fractal Garden Version 2 – this combines three things: First of all, it’s a Conway’s Game of Life Simulation on the left hand side. Initialising a population is done via “drawing” in that part of the applet. This Game of Life however, is not binary (dead/alive), but…

  • Fractal Garden

    Some more Processing stuff: Fractal Garden is a L-System viewer. It’s nothing fancy, I just wanted to have some base system to play around with fractals. In other news: I’m still fighting with the trigonometry needed for my side-scrolling air plane game. Still tuning parameters and debugging the aerodynamic lift. I really should have based…

  • Canvas Game Of Life

    A colleague of mine recently introduced me to the language/framework called Processing. It’s a Java-based visualization language. It’s meant to be a quick tool, targeting artists – and not necessarily programmers. So it’s pretty simple to use. But the coolest thing about it is this: It actually works. I don’t think that Processing is my…

  • Introducing DadaDodoWeb

    Today in our series of funny quick hacks: DadaDodoWeb. I just downloaded Jamie Zawinski’s dadadodo. This is a markov chain implementation that works on text. It’s pretty simple – and sometimes spits out surprisingly cool sentences. To quote jwz himself: DadaDodo is a program that analyses texts for word probabilities, and then generates random sentences…

  • Choices

    One thing that is really nice about designing and implementing a programming language, is that you can define how it looks. Sounds simple, is simple – simply fun. The problems start when you have to actually choose one of the possibilities. Today on my plate: assignment. The assignment function (yes, function, not operator) will play…

  • Screenshot Monday 1

    Ah, screenshot monday. I’m behind by 2 Weeks. I was on vacation and didn’t work on the game at all – so, there isn’t much that has changed since last time. Still, I’m working on it right now and I hope that I have more to show in the following weeks. This (and last, and…

  • On Android

    I got myself a Motorola Flipout two days ago. My old phone was actually the last computer in this household not running Linux. So, here I am finally, on Android, like the cool guys. After a Siemens C30, a Sony CMD J70, a Nokia E65, and a Simvalley XP-65 (yeah I know, Windows Mobile, don’t…