
The Internet: Rectilinear lenses [ensure] that straight lines remain straight in your photographs. This is crucial in scenarios where maintaining the correct proportions and shape of subjects is essential, such as architectural and interior photography.

Me: For houses use a fisheye because it do make funny shape.

A 30 mm Zodiak-8 lens in this case, adapted to a mid-1930s Kochmann Reflex-Korelle because I’m into pain and mechanical failures. On Foma 200. My Reflex-Korelle made it through exactly one photo (this one) before beginning to break again, and it’s making weird noises that almost sound like “you should have gotten a Pentax 6×7 you idiot”, but maybe that’s just in my head. The Pentax…es? Pentaxen? Pentaxi are much more expensive but I have three Reflex-Korelle bodies by now and uhm they are less expensive than that. Top tip.

The lens however is amazing, and relatively cheap, so get one if you have something to screw it onto.

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