• dear diary, apparently it’s autumn now

    dear diary, apparently it’s autumn now

    Kitsch as payback for the passing of time. All with a 1999 Sony Mavica FD88, which saves images (3 or 4 of them usually) on 1.44 MB floppy disks – a frankly terrible choice for a digital camera. So obviously I’m a huge fan. Everything straight from the camera, just cropped to square format in…

  • almost


    fountain pen & ink & water Much more frustrating than producing things I hate completely (lots of those!) is making things I almost like. Like these. “oh wow this turned out completely shit” – fun, part of the process, who cares, try next thing “this is wrong but not completely” – fucking stupid, kill me…

  • rollei-flex


    I’ve already posted the iphone version of this, which was maybe better (certainly sharper) but I have a thing for Rolleiflex mirror selfies and this is one. So it would be dishonest to myself not to post this. Also this isn’t a portfolio, this is a diary. Also these are a lot of justifications, maybe…

  • house


    I have another picture of this where the house looks straight but the tree doesn’t. I don’t quite understand how reality works. With a late 30s Certo Super Dollina, on Foma 100

  • bratislava at 36°C

    bratislava at 36°C

    With a Rolleiflex “Old Standard”, on Fomapan 400 Ortho.

  • sun and leaves

    sun and leaves

    I have about 30 million pictures of the sun breaking through the tree tops and they never turn out screaming “summer is here” as much as this does in real life. I will try again next summer. This one with a 1930s Kochmann Reflex-Korelle, with a (1980s) 30 mm f3.5 Zodiak-8 lens adapted to it.…

  • kritzel kritzel

    kritzel kritzel

    Pen and ink wash. This is so amazingly easy to fuck up. I’ve been doing the wash first, which is generally not how you do it [TM] but my ink isn’t waterproof and it doesn’t really make a difference. I have also destroyed many many other pictures in the pen stage so with this one…

  • cow


    doing cow things. Cows are much easier to photograph than humans and pigeons. Petition to replace some humans and pigeons in Berlin with cows. With a Rolleiflex “Old Standard” (me, not the cow), on Rollei Ortho 25 film

  • i can’t explain but this looked interesting

    i can’t explain but this looked interesting

    With a Zeiss Ikon Contax IIIa w/ Sonnar 50 mm f1.5, on Delta 100